• 5 Jakary Court, Wodonga Vic 3690
  • paul@tayloringconstructions.com.au

0419 591972

At Tayloring Constructions we believe timber frames provide a solid foundation for all newly built homes and buildings. 

The benefits that timber provides, include it being a renewable product, energy efficient, natural insulator and cost saver, plus easier to work with to suit the design of your project.

Timber frames really are a lot like our team. Popular, natural, friendly and durable.

A well-built home or building must start with a quality timber frame. As this is the skeletal support for the walls, ceilings, and roof, it is imperative this first step in the build process is carried out correctly.

The team at Tayloring Construction know just how important this step and it’s why we have the knowledge and the know how to execute this step with precision.

Our team can design all timber Framing structures complete with Certificates of Compliance. You can start your build project with confidence in the knowledge that our years of experience will deliver you an exceptional frame.

If you are looking to use timber in your roof frame, you will also benefit not only from the strength & durability that timber provides, but also the added design element that timber can deliver.  

Whatever your practical framing needs are or design needs, we can help deliver a service second to none.